Human Parasitology emphasizes a medical perspective while incorporating functional morphology, physiology, biochemistry, and immunology to enhance appreciation of the diverse implications of parasitism. Bridging the gap between classical clinical parasitology texts and traditional encyclopedic treatises, Human Parasitology appeals to students interested in the medical aspects of parasitology and those who require a solid foundation in the biology of parasites.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Symbiosis and Parasitism
Ecological Aspects of Parasitism
Medical Implications
Evolution of Parasitism
Suggested Readings
Chapter 2. Parasite-Host Interactions
Effects of Parasites on Hosts
Biological Adaptations of Parasitism
Opportunistic Parasites
Selected Readings
Part I The Protozoa
Chapter 3. General Characteristics of the Euprotista (Protozoa)
Locomotor Organelles Flagella
Other Organelles
Selected Readings
Classification of the Protozoa
Chapter 4. Visceral Protozoa I: Rhizopods (Amoebae) and Ciliophorans
Pathogenic Free-Living Amoebae
Selected Readings
Chapter 5. Visceral Protozoa II: Flagellates
Nontrichomonad Flagellates
The Genus Trichomonas and Related Forms
Selected Readings
Chapter 6. Blood and Tissue Protozoa I: Hemoflagellates
Morphologic Forms
Genus Trypanosoma
Selected Readings
Chapter 7. Blood and Tissue Protozoa II: Human Malaria
Plasmodium and Human Malaria
Selected Readings
Chapter 8. Blood and Tissue Protozoa III: Other Protists
Toxoplasma gondii
Cryptosporidium parvum
Cyclospora cayentanensis
Isospora belli
Blastocystis hominis
Selected Readings
Part II The Trematoda
Chapter 9. General Characteristics of the Trematoda
Structure of Adult
Generalized Life Cycle Patterns
Germ Cell Cycle
Selected Readings
Classification of the Trematoda
Chapter 10. Visceral Flukes
Liver Flukes
Intestinal Flukes
Lung Flukes
Selected Readings
Chapter 11. Blood Flukes
Symptomatology and Diagnosis
Host Immune Response
Other Schistosomes
Swimmer’s Itch
Selected Readings
Part III The Cestoda
Chapter 12. General Characteristics of the Cestoda
Life Cycle Patterns
Host Immune Response
Selected Readings
Classification of the Cestoda
Chapter 13. Intestinal Tapeworms
Diphyllobothrium Latum
Taenia Solium
Taenia Saginata
Hymenolepis Nana
Hymenolepis Diminuta
Dipylidium Caninum
Selected Readings
Chapter 14. Extraintestinal Tapeworms
Human Sparganosis
Human Cysticercosis
Human Hydatidosis
Selected Readings
Part IV The Nematoda
Chapter 15. General Characteristics of the Nematoda
Structure of the Adult
Selected Readings
Classification of the Nematoda
Chapter 16. Intestinal Nematodes
The Adenophorea
The Secernentea
Human Hookworm Disease
Selected Readings
Chapter 17. Blood and Tissue Nematodes
Life Cycle
Filarial Worms
The Guinea Worm
Selected Readings
Part V Arthropoda
Chapter 18. Arthropods as Vectors
Significance of Arthropods as Vectors
General Structural Features
The Dipterans
Other Insects
The Acarines
Selected Readings
Classification of the Arthropoda
APPENDIX A. Drugs for Parasitic Infections: Partial List of Generic and Brand Names
APPENDIX B. Current Chemotherapeutic Regimens
APPENDIX C. Adverse Effects of Antiparasitic Drugs
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