met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
Hundreds of eponyms are used within the field of immunology-Petri dish, Crohn's disease, Bence Jones protein, Kupffer cells, Freund's adjuvant, Ouchterlony immunodiffusion, to name just a few-but most of us don't know much about the individuals who gave their names to these terms. Where were they born and educated, what other accomplishments are they credited with, why has history chosen to remember them, or not?This book presents the first comprehensive collection of immunologic eponyms, and through them tells the story of this fascinating field, from its earliest beginnings to present day. Organized by surname and meticulously cross-referenced and indexed, this book offers historical anecdotes and little-known facts which scientists, clinicians, students, and general readers will find captivating and memorable. A one-of-a-kind introduction to immunology that serves as both a history lesson and current reference on the diseases, treatments, and individuals who have been crucial to this field.
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