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The authors are recipients of the Bowlby-Ainsworth Award presented by the New York Attachment Consortium! Presenting both a theoretical foundation and proven strategies for helping caregivers become more attuned and responsive to their young children's emotional needs (ages 0-5), this is the first comprehensive presentation of the Circle of Security (COS) intervention. The book lucidly explains the conceptual underpinnings of COS and demonstrates the innovative attachment-based assessment and intervention strategies in rich clinical detail, including three chapter-length case examples. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. COS is an effective research-based program that has been implemented throughout the world with children and parents experiencing attachment difficulties. The authors are corecipients of the 2013 Bowlby-Ainsworth Award, presented by the New York Attachment Consortium, for developing and implementing COS.
Guilford Publications
6 november 2013
Over de auteur
Bert Powell, MA, Glen Cooper, MA, and Kent Hoffman, RelD, have devoted their Spokane, Washington, clinical practice of more than 30 years to translating complex clinical insights and developmental research into straightforward and accessible protocols for use with families. During the last two decades they have focused specifically on the creation and dissemination of the Circle of Security (COS), for which each has received the Washington Governor's Award for Innovation in Prevention, among other honors. Bob Marvin, PhD, served as principal investigator on the original COS study and participated in the development of COS. He is Founder and Director of the Mary Ainsworth Attachment Clinic in Charlottesville, Virginia.
"Brilliant, creative, and transformative are words that don't fully capture the true power of this approach. The authors have woven attachment theory into a research-based, innovative intervention that helps infants and their parents move toward security and a life of resilience and well-being. Soak in the wisdom of these masters and you'll be forever grateful--I certainly am. The book provides an intricate yet practical therapeutic exploration infused with the dedication and insights of its authors."--Daniel J. Siegel, MD, Department of Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine; author of "Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain" "What a beautiful book! Insightful, compassionate, emotionally moving, crystal clear, eminently useful--this book offers the best combination of excellent science, deep clinical experience, and coherent guidance for therapists that I have ever encountered. A 'must read' for anyone who wishes to understand and promote effective parenting."--Phillip R. Shaver, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Psychology, University of California, Davis"In this important book, the authors provide a masterful translation of complex concepts into an approach to enhancing attachments that makes intuitive sense and is supported by effectiveness research. The sensitive use of video enables parents to see themselves in a new light and gain awareness of how they enact their own early experiences in raising their children. COS frees the parent to respond to the child's needs for protection and support in ways that build trust and promote self-confidence. The gems of wisdom coupled with practical intervention strategies are a gift for any clinician seeking to enhance parenting and prevent child maltreatment."--Alicia F. Lieberman, PhD, Irving B. Harris Endowed Chair in Infant Mental Health, University of California, San Francisco"COS is solidly based on attachment theory and research. With a surprising combination of simplicity, clinical relevance, and academic rigor, this book effectively teaches the reade
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