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RISK MANAGEMENT AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONSTHE GOLD STANDARD IN FINANCIAL RISK MANAGEMENT TEXTBOOKSIn the newly revised sixth edition of Risk Management and Financial Institutions, celebrated risk and derivatives expert John C. Hull delivers an incisive and comprehensive discussion of financial risk and financial institution regulation. In the book, you'll learn to understand the financial markets, the risks they pose to various kinds of financial institutions, and how those risks are affected by common regulatory structures.This book blends discussion of best practices in risk management with holistic treatments of how financial institutions are regulated. It explores market, credit, liquidity, model, climate, cyber, and operational risk.This latest edition also offers:Updated ancillary and digital materials covering all the latest content, including software, practice questions, and teaching supplementsAccess to an updated website that reflects the new contentFulsome coverage of the most important financial market developments since the publication of the fifth edition, including regulatory changes, the growing importance of climate risk, the use of machine learning models, and the disappearance of LIBORA must-have resource for undergraduate and graduate students of business and finance, Risk Management and Financial Institutions, Sixth Edition, cements this celebrated text as the gold standard in risk management resources.
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