met een
levenslang korting op Acco-uitgaven, kantoormateriaal en een selectie titels.
Each volume in this richly illustrated series, sponsored by the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology, provides an organ-based approach to the cytological and histological diagnosis of small tissue samples. Benign, pre-malignant and malignant entities are presented in a well-organized and standardized format, with high-resolution color photomicrographs, tables, tabulated specific morphologic criteria and appropriate ancillary testing algorithms. Example vignettes allow the reader to assimilate the diagnostic principles in a case-based format. This volume provides comprehensive coverage of lung and mediastinal cytopathology. It presents a correlation of findings from fine-needle aspiration and exfoliative cytology and histologic findings obtained via core needle biopsies and surgical specimens. With a focus on malignant tumors, the full spectrum of inflammatory disorders, infectious diseases, hyperplasias and benign tumor or tumor-like lesions are also covered in detail. With over 500 printed photomicrographs and a CD-ROM offering all images in a downloadable format, this is an important resource for all anatomic pathologists. Features • Covers findings from the light microscope, correlative radiological findings, and immunohistochemical, genetic, molecular and other diagnostic modalities • Richly illustrated with over 500 high-quality colour images, and a CD-ROM contains all images in a downloadable format • Discusses the full spectrum of inflammatory disorders, infectious diseases and hyperplasias, with a focus on malignant tumors Table of Contents Preface 1. Introduction to lung cytopathology and small tissue biopsy Paul E. Wakely, Jr. and Raheela Ashfaq 2. Normal anatomy, histology and cytology Andrea Subhawong 3. Infectious diseases Joseph D. Jakowski and Celeste N. Powers 4. Other non-neoplastic lesions Stefan E. Pambuccian 5. Benign lung tumors and tumor-like lesions Grace C. H. Yang 6. Squamous, large cell, and sarcomatoid carcinomas Yener S. Erozan and Grace C. H. Yang 7. Adenocarcinoma Jun Zhang and Grace C. H. Yang 8. Neuroendocrine neoplasms Momin T. Siddiqui 9. Uncommon primary neoplasms Armanda Tatsas and Syed Z. Ali 10. Metastatic and secondary neoplasms Christopher Owens 11. Anterior mediastinum Oscar Lin and Andre L. Moreira 12. Middle and posterior mediastinum Hong Q. Peng and Grace C. H. Yang 13. Role of ancillary studies Srinivas R. Mandavilli and Richard W. Cartun Index.
Cambridge University Press
5 april 2012
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