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500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers! "I like the High-Yield section in the beginning of the book. It's a nice and quick review yet at the same time is thorough and includes the truly High Yield things to know for boards and class." -- Sheree Perron, Third Year Medical Student, Eastern Virginia Medical School "I found Pretest Physiology to follow fairly close with my experience with the USMLE Step 1 as far as question structure and depth of the material covered. The most basic and most commonly tested questions in physiology in each system were addressed as well as some of the finer details students still need to know." -- Daniel Marcovici, Third Year Medical Student, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University Great for course review and the USMLE Step 1, PreTest asks the right questions so you?ll know the right answers. You?ll find 500 clinical-vignette style questions and answers along with complete explanations of correct and incorrect answers. The content has been reviewed by students who recently passed their exams, so you know you are studying the most relevant and up-to-date material possible. No other study guide targets what you really need to know in order to pass like PreTest! Content that covers all the must-know topics: General Principles: Cellular Physiology, General Principles: Multisystem Processes, Physiology of the Hematopoietic and Lymphoreticular Systems, Neurophysiology, Musculoskeletal Physiology, Respiratory Physiology, Cardiovascular Physiology, Gastrointestinal Physiology, Renal and Urinary Physiology, Reproductive Physiology, Endocrine Physiology Patricia J. Metting, PhDis Professor at the Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Toledo, Ohio. She is also the Associate Dean of Student Affairs as well as Vice Provost for Student Affairs at the College of Medicine. Her research interests include predictors of medical student performance in the basic sciences and medical licensing exams. James Kleshinski, MD is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Admission at The University of Toledo, College of Medicine. Dr. Kleshinski practices Internal Medicine in Toledo, Ohio.
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