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Let these "flashcards in a book" prepare you for microbiology on the USMLE Step 1 Maximum Retention ? Minimum Time Deja Review: Microbiology and Immunology boils down your coursework to just the critical concepts you need to know for exam success. This unbeatable guide features a quick-read, two-column ?flashcard? Q&A format ? specifically designed to help you remember a large amount of pertinent information in the least amount of time possible. The format allows you to zero-in on only the correct answers to promote memory retention and get the most out of your study time. Great for last minute review of high-yield facts, Deja Review: Microbiology and Immunology provides a straightforward way for you to assess your strengths and weaknesses and prepare for USMLE Step 1 success. Features * Active recall questions allow you to understand, not just memorize, the content * Clinical vignettes at the end of chapters prepare you for board questions. * Portable size for study on the go ? fits in your white coat pocket. * Bookmark included to help you work through easy-to-use flashcard presentation Eric Chen, MD, University of California, Los Angeles - Sanjay Kasturi, MD, University of Pennsylvania Table of contents Section I Basic Bacteriology General Principles Classification and Characteristics of Common Bacteria and Flora Pathogenesis and Host Defense Laboratory Diagnostics Antimicrobial Drugs and Vaccines Section II Clinical Bacteriology Gram Positive Cocci Gram Positive Rods Gram Negative Cocci (Neisseria) Gram Negative Rods (Enterics) Gram Negative Rods (Respiratory) Gram Negative Rods (Zoonotic) Myobacteria (Tuberculosis, Leprosy) Actinomyces, Mocardia, Mycoplasms Spirochetes Chlamydia and Rickettsia Minor Bacterial Pathogens Section III Basic Virology General Principles (Structure, Replication) Classifiation and Characteristics of Common Viruses Pathogenesis and Host Defense Viral Drugs and Vaccines Section IV Clinical Virology Herpesviruses Hepatitis Viruses Paramyxovirus and Orthomyxvirus Arboviruses (Toga, Flavi, Bunya) Retroviruses Other DNA viruses Other RNA viruses Prions Section V Mycology General Principles Cutaneous and Subcutaneous Mycoses Systemic Mycoses Opportunistic Mycoses Antifungal Mycoses Section VI Parasitology Protozoa Helminths Section VII Immunology Cells and Signals of the Immune System Major Histocompatibility Complex Innate Immunity Antibodies and Complement Humoral Immunity Cell-Mediated Immunity Hypersensitivity and Transplant Rejection Tolerance and Autoimmunity Immunodeficiency Laboratory Use of Antibodies Section VIII Systems Based Microbiology Cardiovascular Respiratory Gastrointestinal Genitourinary Ears, Eyes, and Nervous System Skin Musculoskeletal
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