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Principles of Anatomy and Physiology is designed to be comprehensive enough to provide the background necessary for those courses not requiring prerequisites and yet is concise so as not to confuse and overwhelm students. The Tate text features realistic illustrations and exceptional photographs that, along with clear, straight-forward writing and an emphasis on clinical material help students develop a solid understanding of anatomy and physiology concepts. Explanations have just the right amount of detail, with usually only one example instead of two or three. Other texts use several complex figures to illustrate many concepts. Tate uses less, but more efficient, art. The result is a shorter, simplified textbook that covers all of the major points found in more lengthy texts, but is easier to read and more economical in price. Key features # McGraw-Hill's Connect: Instructors can deliver assignments, quizzes and tests easily online. Students can practice important skills at their own pace and on their own schedule. # Homeostasis Figures have been redesigned and streamlined to succinctly map out key homeostatic events, giving students a brief, yet complete and effective summary of the mechanisms described in the text. ¿Start Here¿ icons and color-coded arrows to make it easier for students to follow the events occurring when a variable increases or decreases. # Numbered Learning Outcomes open the chapters and are closely linked to In-Chapter Section Reviews, Review and Comprehension questions, and Critical Thinking questions # Clinical Relevance online assessments. Instructors can assign questions for the clinical scenarios presented in the Clinical Relevance boxes # A Problem-Solving theme ties the pedagogy all together. The Case Study scenarios and the Clinical Relevance readings are written to be consistent with the In-Text Review, Predict, and Critical Thinking Questions. All of these elements are designed to encourage students to learn to think critically. In some cases they bring information from previous chapters together to address sample problems and encourage more than just rote memorization. # A beautiful art program depicts and supports the textual copy, including just the right amount of detail. Macro-to-micro drawings, micrographs side by side with line art, up-to-date photographs, physiological Process Figures, and beautiful renderings of anatomical structures all work together to effectively illustrate anatomy and physiology for students. # Histology Tables are presented in table format to allow both descriptions and illustrations of the major tissue types found in the body to be viewed together. # Critical thinking Predict Questions are embedded throughout each chapter, converting the passive reader into an active learner by requiring them to use newly acquired information to solve a problem. The answer to this kind of question is not a mere restatement of a fact, but rather a prediction and analysis of the data, the synthesis of an experiment, or the evaluation and weighing of important variables of a problem. # Clinical Relevance boxed essays include pathologies, current research, sports medicine, exercise physiology, pharmacology and/or clinical applications - all designed to not only illustrate the chapter content but also to stimulate interest relevant to many student's future careers. Table of contents 1. The Human Organism 2. The Chemical Basis of Life 3. Cell Structures and Their Functions 4. Tissues, Glands, and Membranes 5. Integumentary System 6. Histology and Physiology of Bones 7. Anatomy of Bones and Joints 8. Histology and Physiology of Muscles 9. Gross Anatomy and Functions of Muscles 10. Functional Organization of Nervous Tissue 11. Peripheral and Central Nervous Systems 12. Integration of Sensory and Motor Functions 13. Autonomic Nervous System 14. Special Senses 15. Endocrine System 16. Blood 17. Heart 18. Blood Vessels and Circulation 19. Lymphatic System and Immunity 20. Respiratory System 21. Digestive System 22. Nutrition, Metabolism, and Body Temperature 23. Urinary System and Fluid Balance 24. Reproductive System 25. Development, Growth, Aging, and Genetics
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