Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols, SecondEdition offers practical step-by-step guidance to managingemergency cases in small animal practice. Presenting morethan 165 complete protocols for triaging, stabilizing, and managingemergent patients, the book is designed for fast access in anemergency situation, with a spiral binding and tabs to make it easyto flip to the relevant section. An ideal resource forveterinary practitioners seeking a quick reference for dog and catemergencies, this Second Edition provides enhanced imaginginformation to increase the book s diagnostic usefulness andfull updates throughout.
Logically organized alphabetically by category of emergency, thebook includes useful chapters on procedures, shock, toxicology, andtrauma in addition to a procedures chapter. Video clips,additional images, review questions, formula calculations, andquick reference guides are available on a companion website. Handbook of Canine and Feline Emergency Protocols, SecondEdition provides a user-friendly daily reference for any smallanimal practitioner.
1 Acute Abdomen 1
Maureen McMichael
2 Allergic Reactions 9
Maureen McMichael
3 Cardiac Emergencies 13
Jennifer M. Herring
4 Endocrine Emergencies 35
Mauria O’Brien
5 Gastrointestinal Emergencies 45
Jennifer M. Herring
6 Hematologic Emergencies 64
Christopher G. Byers
7 Hepatic Emergencies 76
Mauria O’Brien
8 Infectious Disease 87
Maureen McMichael
9 Neoplasia 102
Mauria O’Brien
10 Neurologic Emergencies 106
Jennifer M. Herring
11 Ophthalmologic Emergencies 116
Mauria O’Brien
12 Pediatric and Neonatal Emergencies 122
Maureen McMichael
13 Procedures and Protocols 131
Christopher G. Byers and Maureen McMichael
14 Pulmonary/Respiratory Emergencies 168
Jennifer M. Herring
15 Renal and Urinary Emergencies 189
Mauria O’Brien
16 Reproductive Emergencies 196
Mauria O’Brien
17 Shock and Sepsis 208
Christopher G. Byers
18 Toxicology 219
Maureen McMichael
19 Trauma/Environmental Emergencies 249
Christopher G. Byers
Index 279
Maureen McMichael, DVM, DACVECC, is Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Section Chief of the Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care Section at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in Urbana, Illinois, USA.
The second updated edition of Handbook of Canine andFeline Emergency Protocols provides a step-by-step key to managinganimal emergencies in small practices, and packs in over 165complete protocols for triage, as well as stabilizing and handlingpatients. It's arranged by category of emergency, it providesstep-by-step procedures, and it offers clear guidelines and thelatest information on imaging, diagnosis, and treatment. Add alay-flat binding format designed for use with a patient and colorillustrations and bibliographic references and you have animportant handbook no vet practice should be without. (Midwest Book Review, 1 December 2014)
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